Pages: (124-137 )
This study aimed at investigating the impact of Gender on the attitude and performance of undergraduate students in coordination Chemistry. The study design is a quantitative survey. The population of the study is 16 0. The sample of the study is 100, 26femalese and 74 males. Instrument used to gather the data is a scale, Student’s attitude to coordination chemistry Questionnaire (SACCQ). Data analysis was done using means and standard deviation while an independent t -test was used to test the hypotheses. The result of the analysis revealed that the attitude score of the male do not vary significantly from that of female. the result also revealed a significant difference in the performance of male and female. It is concluded that the attitude of male and female undergraduate towards coordination chemistry is negative and there exist a significant difference in the performance of male and female. It is therefore recommended that faculty, in teaching this course should employ an instructional strategy that is more student centred.
Keywords: gender, attitude, performance, chemistry,