Babcock University Journal of Education ISSN: 1596-8823-0

Babcock University Journal of Education

Journal of Education


information for contributors

Outlined below are the submission procedures for new as well as accepted manuscripts. 

All articles should be in English and typewritten using Times New Roman, size 12 font and double-spaced throughout, including tables, references, and notes. There should be ample margins, do not use alignments or justification. The manuscript should be accompanied by a soft copy of the text, identical with the hard copy submitted. All material submitted to: Babcock University Journal of Education (BUJED) should be e-mailed to, or or or posted to Adeoye Ayodele(PhD) Editor, Babcock University Journal of Education (BUJED), Department of Education, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. 
Overall Style 
The main paper should be divided into sections, each clearly indicated by a heading. The paper should contain an abstract followed by the introduction, methods, results and discussion. Do not insert notes in the title. The abstract should provide a brief summary of the manuscript and should not contain references or notes. The introduction should be short and succinct without too· many references. The introduction should not be used for lengthy reviews of literature rather it should state the purpose of motivation behind the research and a very brief background of the topic. Brief articles, especially reports do not usually require a label for introduction. The methods section should talk about design of the study and sampling, statistical procedures, descriptions of study sites, sources of information and so on. The methods should be given in sufficient detail so as to enable replication of the work. Results should be stated without interpretation and with relevant references to figures or tables. The discussion should focus on the interpretation of the results of the study. Comparisons with previous studies, the possible inferences one can gain from the results as well as reasonable speculations based on the results can be accommodated in the discussion. 
Organization of a Manuscript 
All pages (beginning from the title page to the last page of the appendices) should be numbered consecutively even if they are submitted in different files. 
Title page (12 to 15 words/ 125 characters including spaces) 
An abstract (between 150 and 200 words types on a separate page) –mandatory 
Keywords (up to 12 keywords/ 100 characters) 
Materials and Methods Results 
Discussion or Conclusion Acknowledgements References 
Details to be included on the title page 
Name(s) of the author(s) 
Affiliation(s) of author(s) (including current affiliation and affiliation where the work was primarily carried out) 
Postal address of corresponding author 
Email address(es) (in order of authors) 
(All of the above should be typed on the title page) 
Special Features - Perspectives, Debates & Essays (specified by the editor) 
Three pages of double spaced manuscripts pages correspond to a single 1ine page. Manuscript length limits refer to all pages (including cover page, abstract, text, tables and figures). Each figure will count as a page. 
Language and Spellings 
Manuscripts must be in English language only and use British spelling (s instead of z as in organise; '-ise' spellings instead 'ize’; 'programme' not 'program'; 'labour' not 'labor' etc.). 
Little the level of headings within each article to two ( e.g. 1, 1.1; 2, 2.1). Please number the headings in the manuscript explicitly. The main heading should be highlighted in the bold letters, sub-headings are to be italicised. In the finished journal, headings will not be numbered and will only be distinguished by the printed style. 
Use single.quotation marks, reserving double quotation marks only for quote-I words within a quotation. Ensure that the spellings are reproouced exactly as in the source. All quotations of 45 words or more are to be set apart from the text and indented. Please obtain permission to reproduce any quotation beyond the limits of'fair dealing'. 
Pay attention to consistency in the hyphenation of words. Do not alternate, for example, between 'macro-economic' and 'macroeconomic'. A distinction is however made between noun and attributive adjective: 'the middle class' but 'middle-class ethics'. 
No stops are needed between capitals: e.g. CPI, INTUC, MR. Shortforms likely to be unfamiliar to the reader should be spelt out in full the first time they occur. Include a final full stop in abbreviations (words shortened by omitting the end), such as p., vol., and ed., but not in contractions (words shortened by omitting the middle), such as Mr. And Dr. 
Write numbers in figures (not words) for exact measurements, quantities and percentages. Use thousands, millions, billions and not crores and lakhs. In text, use 'per cent'; in tables'%'. In more general descriptions, numbers below 100 should be spelt out in words and above 100 in figures. Use the International System of Units (SI) for measurements. 
Give specific dates in the form '22 December 1999'. Decades should be referred to as 'the 1990s'. Please spell out the 'nineteenth century', etc. Photographs.It is important that you obtain permission to reproduce any photographs that are not your own. 
Figures and Tables 
Tables should be typewritten, each on a separate page and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals. Distinguished between figures and tables (substancial material) and number them in a separate sequences. each table/figure should have a brief and descriptive title. Tables/figures should be as self-explanatory as possible. 
Place Names 
Spellings of place names should correspond to the usage in standard modern atlases, such as the World Atlas. However, the spellings of names in quotations should not be changed. 
Use of diacriticals is optional but must be consistent throughout the article. Where diacriticals are not used, the word should be spelt phonetically - example 'bhut' and not 'bnoot' (unless used in a quotation where the original spellings should be retained). 
Italic type will be used for titles of books and journals referred to in the text and notes, latin names of species and for less familiar foreign words. 
Notes should be consecutively numbered and presented at the end of the article (using - e endnotes option) not at the foot of page. Note at the foot of the first page of the article. Footnotes should contain more than a mere reference. They should be referred to as the text by numerical superscripts. 1, 2, 3,… etc. Please include notes only in the body of the text. Do not insert within the abstract or the title of the manuscript. 
Avoid excessive citations and include only those that are referred to in l he manuscript, m-text citations chronologically, then alphabetically. If there are two publications of the· same year for the same author, the reference in the text should be: 'Sharma 1960a, 1960b' and the two publications should be dated accordingly in the references. Page numbers are essential when quoting or referring to some aspect or information from a report, book, article, etc. A complete reference list should be given at the end of the article, typed double-spaced and begin on separate page. They should be in alphabetical order, unnumbered and follow the samples below: 
Articles from Journals 
Pomeroy, M., R. Primack and Rai, S. N. (2003). Entrepreneurship skills and Vocational Education in Boston Journal of Education. 5(2),
Forman, R. T. T. And Godron, M. (1986). Landscape Ecology. New York. USA John Wiley, 
Edited volumes 
Gaston, K.J. (ed.) (1996). Biodiversity: A Biology of Numbers and Difference. Oxford: UK Blackwell Science. 
Articles front Edited Volumes 
Lakshman, W.D. (1989). Lineages of Dependent Development: From State Control to the Open Economy in Sri Lanka. In Wignaraja, P: And Hussain, A. (eds.) The Challenge in South Asia: Development, Democracy and Regional Cooperation, New Delhi; India: Sage Publications. 105- 163. 
Unpublished Works 
Book reviews must contain the name of the author and title/ subtitle of the book reviewed, place of publication and publisher, date of publication, number of pages and price. Please use the following style: Shand, R. (ed.) (1999). Economic Liberalization in South Asia. New Delhi, India: Macmillan. 536, Rs 550
Format for Submission 
Materials for publication are accepted in electronic format and may be sent by e-mail to:, or or Text should be submitted as MS Word documents. We suggest you use JPEG.format for photos and GIF for graphs and compress such fies before sending them to us. Please do not use PDF files for submitting manuscripts. Figures, tables, graphs and photos may be submitted as part of the main manuscript or as separate files. The file name format - first author surname_date of submission_type (for example brown_22deco4_manuscript.doc., _22deco4_manuscript.jpg, etc) is to be followed. 
Mention 'MS - FIRST AUTHOR SURNAME' in the subject line of the c mail. All authors will receive an acknowledgement within five days of the receipt of the manuscript along with a manuscript number. 
If you are unable to send manuscripts by e-mail, please mail them on a CD to the Editor, Babcock University Journal of Education BUJED),School of Education & Humanities, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. 
Telephone: ( +2348038608585,+2348181472941). All Authors will be notified of receipt of manuscript. Please notify us of changes in address, affiliations and other relevant details. 
All correspondence regarding submitted scripts should be sent to: 
Babcock University Journal of Education (BUJED), Department of Education, School of Education & Humanities, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. Tclephone: +2348038608585,+2348181472941  
Publishing Rates 
Publishing Rate are as follows: 
Nigeria N20000
Editorial Note
The BU Journal of Education is published by the Department of Education, School of Education and Humanities, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. 
The Journal is devoted to the dissemination of ideas, innovative practices, research findings, reports, book review and information on all aspect of educational studies. 
The points of view, facts and opinions expressed in the BUJED are those of authors. They should not be view as being in any way endorsed by the Department nor Babcock University. 

Journal Volumes