ActaSATECH Journal of Life and Physical Sciences: ISSN: 15971007

Investigations into the Properties of Waste Water within and around Agbara Industrial Estate of Ogun State, Nigeria

Authors: N Madu A, D Folawewo A, M Agbasi U, I Njoku M, N Ajibulu O,

Pages: (91-96 )


Waste water within and around Agbara Industrial estate find their way into rivulets and streams which often times are sources of water supply both for domestic and agro-allied applications. Investigations reveal that the BOD values of seven waste water samples collected at different locations showed values between 1.30 and 7.60 except for sample G, all pH values ranged from 5.98 (acidic) to 8.30 (basic) with conductivity ranging from 475μs/cm to as high as 691μs/cm. The total hardness values range from 1.83 to as high as 6.50 whereas the calcium hardness range from 0.25 to 1.63 mg/100ml. Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) range from 1800 -3200mg/L and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) ranged from 6775 to 9860mg/L. Heavy metals ranged from 1.015 mg/100ml. to 1.421 mg/100ml. for Cu2+; 12.01 to 17.56 mg/100ml. for Fe2+ and 0.414 to 1.419 mg/100ml. for Zn2+ respectively. Mn2+, Pb2+ and As2+ had values ranging from; Mn2+ (1.720 to 2.53) mg/100ml, Pb2+ (2.052 to 3.421) mg/100ml.and As2+ (0.521 – 0.741) mg/100ml.

Keywords: Conductivity, Waste Water, Contamination, Environment, Sludge.,

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