Pages: (1-20 )
The suppression of women has often been linked with the religion of Islam. Most writers have over the years emphasized that Islam cages women under its thongs. The number of materials written on the rights of women under the Shari'ah in Northern Nigeria is almost non-existent because the materials are old and backdated without reflecting the actual position of the society. Not much regard is paid to discovering the actual position of the Shari'ah on the rights ofwomen while analyzing the societal practices in the Northern Nigeria. In fact, where little regard is paid to this, no regard at all is given to discovering why the misinterpretations are done which is basically to suit the dominating nature of the men in the Northern Nigerian society. This study attempts to link the various malpractices under the guise of Islam to the need for the men to maintain and retain their dominance over the women while giving an insight to the true position of Islam regarding essential areas of the women under the Shari'ah in Northern Nigeria.
Keywords: Muslims, Shari'ah, Women, Rights,