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Bell pepper (Capsicum frutescens) requires phosphorus (P) for optimum growth and high quality fruit production. This study was carried out at National Horticultural Research Institute, Ibadan to assess growth, dry matter and fruit yield of bell pepper in response to P-fertilizer types and their rates. The treatments studied were three P- fertilizer types {Single Super Phosphate (SSP); Ogun Rock Phosphate (ORP) and Organic Fertilizer (OGF)} and four levels of each fertilizer sources (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg P /h) in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) experiment with three replications. Data were collected on growth and yield attributes as well as dry matter accumulation. The data collected were subjected to analysis of variance and significant means compared using DMRT at 5% probability level. The main and interactive effects of fertilizer P- sources and rates were significant in most of the growth parameters considered. SSP at 60 kg /ha significantly enhanced growth parameters and dry matter accumulation over other sources and rates. ORP produced the highest number of marketable fruits (269 / plant). The 60 kg /ha rate produced both the highest marketable and fresh fruit weight/plant whereas the least of the two parameters were obtained with 0 kg/ha fertilizer treatment. The interaction of fertilizer sources and rates were significant on all parameters considered. In most cases results obtained with 60 and 90 kg / ha of P-fertilizer were not significant. It was concluded that optimum production of bell pepper required up to 60 kg /ha P. This could best be supplied through the use of ORP fertilizer.
Keywords: Dry matter, fruit yield, pepper, rock phosphate fertilizer.,