Pages: (143-157 )
This study examined the relationship between parental homework involvement and student homework behavior on academic performance of students. Descriptive survey case-study research design was employed for this study. The sample of this study comprises of randomly selected one hundred and thirty Senior Secondary School students of Palmville College in Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State. Three research questions were raised and answered. Parental Influence and Students’ Homework Behaviour Questionnaire (PISHBQ) was the instrument used for the study. Analysis of the data collected was carried out using frequency count, simple percentages, Chi Square (X2), Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis. Findings revealed that parental homework involvement did not have influence on student academic performance c2(39, N = 102) =39.91, р = .429; student homework behaviour had significance influence on their academic performance c2(39, N = 102) =64.40, р = .006; there was a positive significant correlation between parental homework involvement and student homework behaviour (r = .418, N = 102, p = .000, two-tailed). Based on these findings the study recommends among others that parents should at all-time monitor their children progress in class, check their homework and assess them to determine their learning behaviour.
Keywords: Academic achievement; Homework behaviour; Parent involvement,