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Usually, inventory cost represents 45-90% of all expenses for business. A computer based system is needed not only to provide up-to-the minute information about stock levels but also to implement the in-house business logic, integrate data and transaction from different sources and, provide tools to readily monitor, administer, configure and maintain the inventory control system. A web based inventory application, Inventorix, using cold fusion 7MX (with .cfm extension) server model on SQL-SERVER 2000 test platform was developed to monitor and control inventory, ensure proper accounting and accurate budgeting and avoid stock-outs. It has 3-user level: 1. Decision making from product category, customer, and employee lists, 2. Information gathering on order and purchases and 3. Operation/Administration level with absolute control (add, view, edit, copy, search, delete) of records on the database. Inventorix optimizes stock resource use and enhances availability, generate revenue through effective operations, prevent obsolete stocks and, minimize ordering and carrying costs while maximizing profit through efficient stock monitoring and budgeting.
Keywords: Inventory control, inventory management, stock monitoring, inventorix,