Search Results for agriculture
- An Analysis of the Spatial Integration of Groundnut Markets in Nigeria
The study examined the spatial integration of groundnut markets in Nigeria. It covered two producing...
- Challenges facing Rural Youths’ Involvement in Active Agricultural Practices in Ogun State Agricultural Development Programme (OGADEP)
Rural youths exist in very harsh and unstable economic circumstances that leave them with little roo...
- General and Specific Combining Ability for Seed Quality Traits in Some Nigeria Hybrid Maize
Lack of access to high quality seeds is a major factor contributing to the worsening of food securit...
- Cooking Aspects of Nigerian Milled Rice Quality
This study aimed at identifying factors affecting the cooking quality of rice preferred by Nigerians...
- Nature, categories and sources of Grey Literature of potential value in tropical agricultural research
This article highlights the result of an investigation into the nature categories and sources of gr...
- Mitigating Climate Change through Organic Agriculture: A Case Study of Farmers’ Participation in Organic Farming Practices in Nasarawa State, Nigeria
The study was designed to assess the level of farmers’ perception of what constitutes climate...
- Effects of Pleurotus Tuber-Regium Degraded Rice Husk on Growth, Nutrient Utilisation, Haematology and Biochemical Parameters in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Fingerlings.
A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of a biodegradation method on the nutritive value of u...
- Biological and Chemical Qualities of Some Nigerian Rice Varieties: Effects on Processing and Utilization
This study aimed at evaluating the biological and chemical qualities of some Nigerian rice variet...
- Morphological characteristics of some minor legumes and their correlated genetic disposition.
Minor legumes are group of crop plants which have been marginalized w...