Search Results for nutrition
- Nutritional status, dietary practices and cognitive development of pre-school children in Ikenne Local Government Area, Ogun State
Childhood is a stage of life when all the body systems are rapidly growing and the organs are develo...
- Oxidative stress status in vegetarians and non-vegetarians
Oxidative tress has been implicated in the cause of many diseases as well as having impact on the bo...
- Nutritional quality attributes of biscuit produced from wheat supplemented with sprouted finger millet flour
This study investigated the effect of sprouting on nutritional parameters of finger millet flour and...
- Comparative effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the growth, yield and mineral content of tomato (Lycopersicum Lycopersicum Mill) fruit
A field experiment was carried out at the experimental plot of the Institute of Agricultural Researc...
- Factors Influencing Consumption of Zobo Drink among Nigerian Private University Undergraduates
This research was conducted so as to obtain information about factors determining consumption of zob...
- Proximate composition and fatty acids profile of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus
The proximate composition and fatty acids profile of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus from L...