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The effect of organic N fertilizers on the growth and shoot dry matter yield of Amaranthus cruentus (tete, Yoruba or green, common name) generally refers to as purple Amaranthus was studied in a field experiment at the Teaching and Research Farm of Babcock University Ilisan Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. The seedlings were transplanted at the age of three weeks. There were six treatments in the study: the control (NO-N), 50kgN/ha as: Urea (UR), Farm Yard Manure (FYM), Poultry Manure (PM), Composted Sawdust CSD and Composted Maize Husk (CMH) respectively were replicated four times in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCB). Growth variables of Amaranthus studied included plant height; leaf and branch numbers as well as dry matter yield. Application of the organic nutrient sources produced taller plants, more profuse leaves and branches and higher shoot dry matter yield compared to either the inorganic N source (UR) or the NO-N (control) treatment. Also, among the organic nutrient sources, application of N as PM, CMH and CSD separately in that order appeared superior to FYM in terms of promoting the economic yields namely: higher leaf/branch production and dry matter yield of the amaranthus.
Keywords: Organic Nutrient Sources on the Growth and Dry Matter,