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Ruminants are very useful animals yet, the production level is too low due to some constraints like foetal losses from the slaughtering of pregnant ones. Hence, this study was conducted to create more awareness as an instrument of eradication. Data on total number of animals, males, females and pregnant ones slaughtered were recorded. The sexes, weight and crown-rump lengths of the foetuses were also recorded. The sexes were determined visually, weights were estimated using a table scale and the crown-rump lengths were considered using a measuring tape. The data collected were analyzed using GLM although some values were further expressed in percentages and averages where applicable. The means were separated using LSD. The results showed significant mean value differences (P<0.05). Roughly 40.6 cattle, 21.4 sheep and 106.2 goats were slaughtered weekly. Out of these values, there were 25.1(66.1%) cows, 12.9 (60.1%) rams and 81.2 (76.1%) bucks. Pregnant ones were 1.26 (4.6%) cows, 2.56 (29.5%) ewes and 2.68 (10.1%) does with foetal losses of 0.62 (49.2%), 1.35 (52.7%) and 1.8 (67.2%) respectively. The values obtained for foetal weights (0.2 - 4.2kg, 0.2 – 0.8 kg and 0.1 - 0.5kg) as well as foetal crown-rump lengths (34.9cm, 22.3cm and 20.9cm) in cattle, sheep and goats respectively, revealed that cattle were at the first trimester while sheep and goats were at their second trimester. The total number of animals slaughtered weekly seems inadequate for the people and there was apparently low frequency of slaughtering pregnant ones but the rate of foetal losses was quite high. This awareness is expected to reawaken the interests of all stakeholders to eradicate this scourge in earnest.
Keywords: Abattoir, Awareness, Foetuses, Ruminants, Slaughter.,